Few people know that getting rid of this unpleasant disease is quite difficult, and the whole process takes quite a lot of time. Almost 20% of the population is affected by this disease, which occurs on both toes and fingernails. At the same time, age is absolutely not important here, since the fungus is observed in adults, and even in adolescents and children.
Causes of the disease
Fungus, or, as it is also called, onychomycosis, occurs as a result of exposure to various types of fungi, that is, simply put, pathogens. Personal hygiene is also important; if you do not observe it, you yourself create the necessary conditions for the proliferation of bacteria. In addition, you can easily become the owner of such an unpleasant disease, since the fungus can be infected from another person.
This happens most often in the following cases:
- use of common household tools and items;
- unsterilized manicure instruments;
- saunas and baths;
- shared showers in gyms or swimming pools.
The success of the effectiveness of treatment is the diagnosis of the causative agent of the disease, which is carried out using laboratory tests.
At the same time, each type of fungus has a specific affected area. For example, some affect only the skin or nails on the toes and hands, while others affect the lateral areas of the fingers and the upper part of the sole.
Much less common are the effects of fungi such as epidermophytons, trichophytons, as well as yeast or mold, which most often appear in older people. Often this onychomycosis affects the first few toes.
The diagnostic process and factors that accompany the disease

Before determining a comprehensive treatment for nail fungus, namely on the toes, you should undergo an examination. But it is worth remembering the following factors that only improve the process of bacterial development:
- The occurrence of any damage to the plate itself, as well as the surrounding skin.
- Various types of diseases, including varicose veins and other endocrine diseases.
- Decreased immune system function and hormonal imbalance (often in pregnant women).
The symptoms of a fungal disease largely depend on the type of pathogen. It often affects the toenails, and there are four degrees of damage:
- normotrophic;
- hypertrophic;
- atrophic;
- onycholysis.
In addition, the disease is quite dangerous, since in the case of mold fungi there is a negative effect on the body itself, as well as its intoxication, since the bacterium releases toxins. Let's take a closer look at how to get rid of this disease, and what medications will really help you forget about this infection.
Method of treating the disease
In order to select the correct and, most importantly, effective treatment, it is imperative to take into account the degree of damage to the nail plate and the rate of its growth. Moreover, the effect is the same in both cases: in case of damage to the toenails, and in the case of fungus on the hands, treatment can be either complex or local.
Local exposure is most often required if the fungus has affected only a few nails, or if the plate is only half affected.
As for the complex technique, doctors prescribe antifungal agents, both externally and internally. You should also take vitamins to improve the immune system, or immunomodulators, and agents that have a disinfectant effect. For example, a fairly good product is based on acids and essential oils, which is available in the form of a spray or lotion, and the reviews about it are only positive. It is important that the product is suitable for absolutely everyone from a financial point of view, since its price is quite reasonable.
Taking pills is possible only after a doctor's prescription, as they have a strong effect on the body as a whole, especially for those who have liver problems. Naturally, the use of such drugs is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. Tablets are prescribed only in cases where creams do not have a therapeutic effect, and if the affected area of the nail plate is large enough.
Preventive methods
As already mentioned, the infection process occurs due to direct contact of nails or skin with the source of infection. If your immunity is in perfect order, then you do not need to worry. Otherwise, the disease takes root very quickly and is very difficult to overcome. It is enough to follow the following rules regarding personal hygiene:
- do not walk barefoot on beaches or in swimming pools;
- wear socks and change them daily;
- Do not try on the shoes of a stranger under any circumstances;
- dry your feet after taking a shower.
Such simple rules will allow you to increase your chances and not get infected from someone else with this extremely unpleasant disease, which in the future will provide you with a lot of inconvenience and discomfort.